【L-INSIGHT共催】K-CONNEX 研究マネジメント講座シリーズ “Leading & Managing a Team” を開催します
Lab leadership and management skills which are essential for today’s challenges in scientific work, can be acquired and developed. The seminar will enable young group leaders to master the challenges related to interpersonal aspects of doing science and to confidently fulfil their leadership role.
Through our seminar you will recognize your leadership style, learn basic communication strategies and negotiation techniques, to convince and motivate others, and learn basics for working with diverse teams.
* 講義は英語で進行します。
日時2021年8月30日(月) 10:00-12:00 & 13:15-15:15
対象者将来研究室を運営したい若手研究者(准教授~ポスドク、有期雇用を含む) 現役PIも可
結果は8月中旬に通知します。 -
講師Dr. Iris WIECZOREK [IRIS 科学・技術経営研究所]
- Start with: Analyzing one's own leadership style
- Understanding the Differences of Leading and Managing
- Managing “Conflicts” & Giving Appreciative Feedback
- Coaching for Performance
- Motivating
- Delegating
- Working with Diverse Teams
- Your Next Steps?
* 講義は英語で進行します -
お問い合わせ京都大学 次世代研究創成ユニット (E-NER)
E-mail: k-connex@mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp -
主催京阪神次世代グローバル研究リーダー育成コンソーシアム (K-CONNEX)