【L-INSIGHT Sponsored】K-CONNEX Research Management Series Seminar & Training “Project Management” will be held.
Lab leadership and management skills which are essential for today’s challenges in scientific work, can be acquired and developed. The seminar will enable young group leaders to master the challenges related to interpersonal aspects of doing science and to confidently fulfil their leadership role.
Through our seminar you will recognize your leadership style, learn basic communication strategies and negotiation techniques, to convince and motivate others, and learn basics for working with diverse teams.
*Language: English
Date13:00-17:00, Thursday, 30 July 2020
EligibilityAssoc. Prof, Assistant Prof and Postdoc
Number of ParticipantsReasons for the application will be considered to select 12 participants. Result notification: mid-July.
Registration【Deadline: Noon, 10 July.】
The Keihanshin Consortium for Fostering the Next Generation of Global leaders in Research(K-CONNEX) WebSite -
Trainer/FacilitatorDr. Iris WIECZOREK, IRIS Science Management Inc.
- Start with: Analyzing one's own leadership style
- Understanding the Differences of Leading and Managing
- Managing “Conflicts” & Giving Appreciative Feedback
- Coaching for Performance
- Motivating
- Delegating
- Working with Diverse Teams
- Your Next Steps?
*Language: English -
ContactThe Keihanshin Consortium for Fostering the Next Generation of Global leaders in Research
E-mail: k-connex@mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp -
OrganizerThe Keihanshin Consortium for Fostering the Next Generation of Global leaders in Research(K-CONNEX)
Co-OrganizerProgram for the Development of Next-generation Leading Scientists with Global Insight (L-INSIGHT)