CToP : Core to Practical
Opportunities are created for regular activities that link the core and practical program groups, as well smoothly connect L-INSIGHT program experiences and research activities.
Everyday Connections Programs
Researcher Life Design Course
For deepening thinking through dialogues and experiences so that global insight competencies can be put into practice.
Joint Off-site Program
L-INSIGHT fellows interact with and deepen friendships with professor emeritus/emerita mentors, curriculum advising mentors, and corporate researchers, as well as engage in interdisciplinary discussions and interact with people outside of their field. Research gatherings to acquire a bird’s-eye view of one’s own research and gain new insights. Opportunities to think about disseminating research from the perspective of others, and to choose or adjust the global insight competencies that one aims to acquire.
Programs for Exchanging Acquired Insights and Knowledge
OIST Research Meetings/L-INSIGHT Research Meetings
An opportunity for OIST researchers and L-INSIGHT fellows to regularly exchange information about their research topics, as well as activities and challenges as researchers.
Professor Emeritus/Emerita Mentoring Programs
Professor Emeritus/Emerita Mentoring
An opportunity for fellows to interact with professor emeritus/emerita mentors, who occupy a neutral position outside of their workplace and field of study. Fellows can receive advice about and discuss their research activities and outlook as a researcher.
Application Advice from Professor Emeritus/Emerita Mentors
Professor emeritus/emerita mentors provide cross-disciplinary, cross-generational advice to fellows regarding proposed ideas for research.