[CToP [Core to Practice]] Joint Meeting Program (September 27-28, 2020)
(1) Sep 27, 2020 (Sun)10:30AM to 6:15PM, (2) Sep 28, 2020 (Mon)9:00AM to 4:15PM
Basement Meeting Room,Research Administration Building, Kyoto University Yoshida Campus
Program Overview and Aim
This program enables researchers hailing from different fields to be exposed to one another’s research, and to engage in critical and constructive discussions. In these meetings, researchers can obtain an overview of their work and acquire new revelations, thereby gaining the opportunity to think about their research from other people’s perspectives and consider the Global Insight competencies that they must develop.
Despite attempts to accommodate the schedules of the 10 L-INSIGHT Fellows, it proved difficult to set a single date when all were available. Therefore, we arranged for each Fellow to participate in one of two meeting days to introduce their own research such that it would be understood by researchers from other fields as the first step in the subsequent exchange of views on one another’s work. On both days, Mr. Kiyoshi Ito (General Manager, R&D Planning & Coordination Division, Mitsui Chemicals, Inc.) gave a lecture on his hopes and expectations for L-INSIGHT, Dr. Yoshimasa Taniguchi (KIRIN Central Research Institute, Research & Development Division, Kirin Holdings Co., Ltd.) presented his research, and discussions that spanned sectors and disciplines were conducted.
Fellow-Go-Round sessions were then held where the Fellows, the participants from the aforementioned partner institutions, and Curriculum Advising Mentors engaged in dialogue. As part of COVID-19 countermeasures, acrylic boards had been set to separate participants, but these sometimes made it difficult to hear one another. This revealed tasks for subsequent meetings, such as the need for securing multiple meeting rooms. Nevertheless, the meetings provided the opportunity for active exchanges of views and networking across industry and academia.
As a continuation of the orientation held at the end of August, a guidance session was conducted on both days that included (1) explanations on the use of the L-INSIGHT Folio, (2) information gathering on the Fellows’ preferences for the year’s event plans and proposed changes, and (3) discussions on the Global Insight competencies.
The participants provided feedback that the program was highly valuable and stimulating, and that it was a meaningful experience. Participants also mentioned that they could not wait for the chance to dine together as a group one day without worrying about COVID-19.
As the Fellows had missed some of the other research introductions due to conflicting schedules, the presentations and talks of all Fellows and participants from the partner institutions were recorded. These recordings are available for online viewing by authorized persons for a limited time. In addition, the functionality of the L-INSIGHT Folio has been improved to allow the posting of Fellows’ comments on one another’s research.