EHUB&L-INSIGHT Seminar Jan. 25 “Genome ✕ Cells ✕ Theory ✕ Evolution”
Dr. Yukako Katsura (Kyoto University Center for Evolutionary Origins of Human Behavior EHUB) organizes EHUB & L-INSIGHT Seminar “Genome ✕ Cells ✕ Theory ✕ Evolution” .
The speakers, young researchers who are active in the global arena, introduce their recent research results and their trajectory.
For details, please see the below.

Date and Time | Thursday, January 25, 10:30-16:30 |
Format | Online |
Registration | Please contact to the organizer <katsura.yukako.5e[at]> with your name, affiliation, position and your email address. *Please change [at] to @. Deadline: Monday, Janurary 22, 17:00 |
Irene Gallego Romero, Principal research Fellow (University of Melbourne, Australia)
who researches human evolution and diseases using primate genomes, transcriptomes, and iPS cells. Her specialty is molecular cell biology and genomic information.
Emily Jane McTavish, Associate Professor (California State University, Merced CA)
who develops a program for creating molecular phylogenetic trees using large-scale base sequences using next-generation sequencers and specializes in evolutionary genetics, molecular systematics, and theory.
Jonathan Hughes, Postdoctoral Researcher (California State University, Riverside CA)
who researches the evolutionary genetics of voles with XO sex chromosomes that have lost their Y chromosomes in Assistant Professor Polly Campbell’s laboratory and specializes in evolutionary genetics.
Mieko Kono, Postdoctoral Researcher (The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, Hayama)
who researches the symbiotic mechanism of lichens through molecular evolutionary genome analysis, cell experiments, field surveys, and specializes in evolutionary genetics.