Updated Speakers List: The 1st Front Runner Series “Kyoto University and The University of Melbourne Water-Related Research Exchange”
*Added information in red
[The University of Melbourne (UoM)]
Prof. Rory Nathan
engineering and environmental hydrology, hydrology of extremes, flood risk estimation and forecasting, impacts of climate change and land use
Prof. Andrew Western
hillslope hydrology
Dr. Conrad Wasko
impacts of climate change on hydroclimatic extremes, flood risk characterization
[Kyoto University (KU)]
Prof. TACHIKAWA Yasuto
flood hydrology, climate change impact assessment, data assimilation
Dr. YOROZU Kazuaki
land surface processes, soil moisture, bias correction
Dr. SAYAMA Takahiro
rainfall-runoff processes, inundation modelling, ensemble flood forecast
Dr. TANAKA Tomohiro
flood risk assessment, flood frequency analysis, climate change impact assessment
L-INSIGHT is a hub at Kyoto University comprised of select researchers under the age of forty. It was established with a grant from the Japanese government. Through opportunities for collaboration with partners in industry and other countries, we are working to ensure that early career researchers will be able to freely and sustainably construct their own research communities in 2030.
The Joint Meeting Series is one of the joint program established last year that aims to promote seeds of future collaborative research initiatives led by young researchers themselves and to continue mutual progress through co-creation.
This year, we are very pleased to launch Front Runner Series as a forum to encourage the continuation and development of the research themes encountered in that joint meeting series. In the first session, Tomohiro Tanaka, a researcher in hydrology, will organize a discussion on the prospects of Water-Related Research .
Despite the continuing worldwide coronavirus pandemic, we would like to concretely discuss potential topics for research with people in other cultures and fields, taking the first step towards the creation of on-going relationships.
DateNovember 3, 2021 / 13:00-15:00(JST) 15:00-17:00(AEDT)
Program| The 1st Front Runner Series [Live stream, open to the public] |
13:00 15:00 Opening Remarks (Opening address & Greetings)
13:10 15:10 Information of Funding Opportunity [UoM/KU]
Plenary Session
“Kyoto University and The University of Melbourne Water-Related Research Exchange”
Moderator: Dr. TANAKA Tomohiro [KU, L-INSIGHT Fellow]
13:15 15:15 Introduction_ Dr. TANAKA Tomohiro
13:20 15:20 Recent research on assessing flood risk for operational and planning purposes_ Prof. Rory Nathan [UoM]
Presentations from Research Groups
13:35 15:35 Hillslope scale research at University of Melbourne_ Prof. Andrew Western
13:45 15:45 The impact of changes in soil moisture on flooding_ Dr. Conrad Wasko [UoM]
13:50 15:50 Q&A
14:00 16:00 Rainfall-runoff modeling and predictions for climate change adaptations_ Prof. TACHIKAWA Yasuto [KU]
14:15 16:15 Large-scale flood simulation and regional risk assessment_ Dr. TANAKA Tomohiro
14:20 16:20 Q&A
14:3016:30 Development of a nationwide Rainfall-Runoff-Inundation model in Japan for flood forecasting and risk assessment_ Dr. SAYAMA Takahiro [KU]
14:45 16:45 Q&A
14:55 16:55 Closing
| The 2nd Joint Meeting Series [Closed] |
13:35 15:35 “Chasing for Serendipities” -
ContactCenter for Enhancing Next-Generation Research, Kyoto University
E-mail : admin-l-inisght@mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp -
OrganizerThe University of Melbourne
Center for Enhancing Next-Generation Research, Kyoto University