SOWA Keisei
Kyoto University Graduate School of Agriculture/Division of Applied Life Sciences/Assistant Professor
Field of Research:Bioelectrochemistry
Keisei Sowa is an assistant professor at Kyoto University. Since he took the position in January 2021, he aims to understand the essence of key functions of living organisms (respiration, metabolisms, and photosynthesis) from the viewpoint of bioelectrochemistry and to contribute to society through biomimetic technology. In particular, he is working on the social implementation of third-generation biosensors and CO2 utilization technology with direct electron transfer-type enzymes. Before this role, he worked for an electronics manufacturer and chemical manufacturer. He completed his bachelor course in 2012 and received a Ph.D. in 2017 from Kyoto University. During the doctoral course, he was selected as a research fellow of the Japan Society for Promotion of Science. His research was accepted for publication in Chem. Commun. as Outside Front Cover, in 2022.
Activity Databased on Education and Research, Kyoto University: